Cynthia Hahn assumed the position of C-NET Executive Director in January of 2006. She served as the State College Borough's representative to the C-NET Board of Directors from 2001 to 2006. Before joining the C-NET staff, Cynthia had worked in restaurant management in State College since 1997. She received her B.A. in Theatre from the University of Texas at Austin and has completed coursework toward her M.A. in Theatre History at Penn State. Cynthia lives in State College Borough with her husband, Magisterial District Judge Donald Hahn. She has two children, Lauren Moison and Adam Gosa. Lauren is married to Shane Moison, a navy nuclear engineer, and they have one son, Lucas. Adam is married to Madelyn Gosa, and has two sons, Adam Jr. and Christopher.
Stephanie Yager has been with C-NET since October of 2002. She joined the staff when she accepted the part-time position as Administrative Assistant. She soon started volunteering for shoots. In 2004, she moved into the full-time position of Producer. Over the past several years that position has morphed into her current role as Operations Manager. Her primary duties include supervising crews on shoots, managing the post-production work flow to be sure all programming is ready in time to air, editing/preparing programming to air, creating the weekly programming schedule, and seeing that the playback system is programmed for shows to air. Stephanie graduated from Ithaca College in 2002 with a B.S. in Television/Radio Audio Production and a minor in Creative Writing.
Abby Wilson graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Film and Video Studies. She began as C-NET's Administrative Assistant/Producer in December 2015. She became Production Manager in 2022.
Tiffany Breon was an intern before becoming a part-time producer. She served in that role for over six years before becoming full-time Producer/Administrative Assistant in 2022.